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Using Linux in College

So currently I am in a college, and it has been a while since I do any update to the site so I figured now would be a good time to do. Today's topic is about Linux and in college, so here I am just going to share what I think about it and why you might want to consider using it too. I assume you all reading this, knows what is Linux, and if not then it is an Operating System that is highly supports FOSS which stands for Free and Open Source Software, now some of you might already start ranting like "Why would I care?" or "Who gives a fuck about FOSS?" then now I would like to elaborate that I used to think the same, that as long shit is working then it is fine.

What changed?

To understand what began my interest regarding Linux is that I personally rarely upgrade my hardware so most cases I use what is available, and as things go it became quickly slow and aging so I tried debloating it, making things lightweight on Windows and then with countless tweaks and setup I follow from the Internet I stumbled a video in regards of how fast Linux is, and well since at the time I wasn't gaming much, so I figured to try this Linux and with that, it sure does makes this somewhat old hardware works much snappy and respondsive. Another value I like to stress out is that with the ongoing somewhat boring improvements on tech, with how things are shifting towards consuming and shit, Technology updates became boring quick and this applies to games too. Well the last point can either be me tired of how things are progressing or just plainly don't like the concept of endless consuming, yet that's another part to discuss.


What do I do with Linux?

So with all introduction are over, and how I am here is that I major in Informatics, which is mostly IT stuff from coding to making games and networking stuff. Linux is somewhat introduced at one of my classes and well at first I am somewhat skeptical if all the software I had on my Windows would work here, and turns out most stuff works here and it's with few tweaks here and there and not all things runs as smooth as it's on Windows, some requires tweaking. For some it's tiresome to tweak a graphic card just for it to work with OBS Studio for example, or maybe Blender but for others, some find it good to tweak here and there as long time is with us. In a list form here's what I do and why I find it jusified to do so.

Other benefits

I put this here, since I know some people just plainly don't care and I don't really want to stess them so the benefit I am speaking of here is, Privacy. Now you might want to ask how well it is in helping your privacy, well now I am going to make a comparison with how privacy-intruding other OS are:

Final Words

Well this blog is somewhat random in regards of Linux, and how things are going on for me. Few technical points are given for you to think about trying Linux or might as well just need a push in making that move, personally and looking at how shitty the progressing is heading makes it worth to jump ships to Linux. Been a while since I blog anything, so this might seems a messy one but look forward to other blogs when I have stuff to share and make.